
Awesome Ebay Score!!

Someone had a stack of 102 layer cake squares from Aneela Hoey's lines Posy, Sew Stitchy and A Walk In The Woods.
There are so many wonderful prints hiding under there that you can't see. I'm so excited to have gotten this. If you have bought a layer cake stack, you know they aren't cheap. I got all 102 pieces (which is about 2 and a 1/2 layer cake stacks) for less than the price of 1! Woo hoo for great fabric deals!
The whites are definitely going into a pile for a low volume quilt. I have been wanting to try one of those as well.
I should be able to get quite a few baby quilts out of all these squares. I have 3 in mind, but I am on the lookout for good baby quilt patterns to suit this line. Any suggestions would be appreciated!


  1. Fabulous purchase. Can;t wait to see how you use these cuties.

  2. Wow, nice score! Love your low volume collection!

  3. You have some lovely fabrics, they will make beautiful baby quilts. I have just finished a baby quilt I will be posting some pictures very soon perhaps it might give you some ideas.

  4. HOW did you score that deal? Lol that is amazing!!


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