
A Small Finish, A WIP and a New Start

I have been trying to post all day. Something very odd is going on. All of my computers, my phone and my printer will not work right today. Now the TV volume is going loud and low. I think the mercury retrograde has landed in my house, grrr.
Anyhow, gosh, it's been a month today since I had a quilt finish! I needed to do something that made me feel like I can actually accomplish something, so I made a cell phone wristlet.

I had a few scraps from my Nordika quilt (that still isn't finished). I just love Jeni Baker's fabrics. I have gotten all of her lines so far. The colors are just so bright and fun!

I think I may use this for my camera, I haven't quite decided yet what I will do with it :)

Awhile back I won this bundle from Camelot Fabrics.
I have been wanting to brave making a quilt with bold colors without adding any white. I use a lot of white! I also have been wanting to make a log cabinish type quilt. So I decided, what the heck! I made one block and almost stopped. All the colors thrown together look a bit overwhelming to me, not my usual for sure.

I decided to just get on with it, good or bad. I have the top finished, the back pieced, the quilt basted and some quilting done. It's just one of those projects I got tired of looking at so I set it aside for the moment. I am going to donate this to Quilts For Kids. The ask for bright colors so I guess they will be getting that!

I started cutting for a new quilt today, one I'm going to love!

Linking up to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced and
Needle and Thread Thursday at My Quilt Infatuation
Fabric Frenzy Friday  at Fort Worth Fabric Studio


  1. The wristlet looks very professionally made - lovely detailing and finish stitching. I am a sucker for log cabins, so I will be looking forward to your reveal photos of the finished quilt. :) And the fabrics for your new quilt are just lovely. I hope you have a lot of fun piecing it together!

  2. 1. LOVE the fussy cut of the little leaves on the flap of your case - so adorable! 2. That log cabin makes me happy. I just love colour and pattern and did I mention...colour??!! Totally my fave.
    3. Posyl! Might be one of the all time best, understated lines of fabric, it really is just so pretty and soft and sweet. The green in the bottom left corner is one of my very favourite fabrics ever xx.

  3. Not only is your TV going from loud to quiet, so is your fabric! What a change from the bright quilt to the soft colors. I think they will both be fun. And your wristlet looks amazing. Did you use a pattern?

  4. Your wristlet looks fab! The other two projects are looking lovely as well.

  5. I love your wristlet! Just darling!

  6. Of course, I love the little Posy squares; can't wait to see what they turn into!

  7. Christine, the bright and busy log cabin is going to be a big hit with someone! Love the little wristlets you made - wow you are a perfect sewer! The fabrics for your next quilt are so sweet. Here is hoping you have lots of good days to do fun things!

  8. Christine, I love all of the fabrics you used; both for the wristlet and the log cabin. But especially the log cabin fabrics are just.so.lovely! So bright and cheerful, my type! Also, what a lucky person you are! You keep winning something! LOL

  9. Hi Christine! =) That posy fabric is lovely! I can't wait to see your finish! The bunnies, posies, and little girls reading always make me smile. Happy sewing!

  10. cute phone wristlet.

    That bright quilt looks like it will make a great kid's quilt.

    What you're cutting up looks very cute, too.

  11. Cute, cute wristlet and love the bright colors you chose for your log cabin!

  12. Thanks for the kind comments you left on my blog. I was having a Spam problem, so,just saw them today. Checking out your site and love your work!


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