
A New Quilt In Progress

Awhile back I bought a fat eighth bundle of Jeni Baker's Dreamin Vintage fabric line. I also saw Jeni's little 2 sided patterns at a great price. I couldn't resist grabbing a couple. I decided to use the Lazy Daisy pattern, it did after all, feature Dreamin Vintage. If you've been around my blog, you know I love Art Gallery fabrics and I love Jeni's work!

 The rows are all finished, now I am joining them.

I found the perfect vintage sheet in my stash to use as backing. It was still new in the package! I also received a free spool of thread with my last order for Bella solids, so I am going to try it out on the quilting. I received this label and one in pink with my fabric purchase :)

I will share more (and better photos) on everything once the quilt is completed!


  1. Very nice! Your piecing looks so precise and crisp. :)

  2. Ooooh! That IS the perfect backing!!!! Looking forward to more photos xx.

  3. Wow! All kinds of extras. How wonderful is that! Where'd you get the vintage sheet?

  4. What a cheerful quilt. I love her fabrics and quilts too.

  5. Love the white space-shows off the patterns perfectly.

  6. Christine, I am always so impressed over how perfectly your squares match up (I have seen that for myself in person too LOL) Your vintage sheet is a real find! It's funny how well it goes with everything. Best wishes to you!

  7. What a nice start Christine! =) I love the vintage sheet! Those colors go so nicely together! Happy Sewing!

  8. Just found your blog. I am a happy follower my dear. What a sweet back. I have to say I just love vintage sheets on the back.
    Merry Christmas.

  9. Everything is lining up for a perfect quilt!

  10. Such pretty patchwork! The fabrics, backing and label all go so well together. Can't wait to see her all quilted up!


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