
Vintage Sheet Quilt

I found this cute truck at JoAnn Fabrics in the 70% off section. It reminded me of my Feed Company and Holly's Tree Farm fabrics so I couldn't resist :) It will make a cute Christmas decoration with a little tree or something fun in the back.

I never did share my sheet quilt finish. I escaped to Phoenix again for a month and just returned home. I forgot to photograph my quilt before I gifted it! So, I only have a couple pictures I received on my phone.

It's simple 8.5 inch cut squares. I only quilted it on each side of the seams, I wanted to keep this super soft. I used the cuff off of a yellow vintage pillowcase to cut the binding strips. This was my first use of polyester batting. While I love the feel of a quilt with polyester inside, I didn't love that my basting spray didn't stick to it well. I used a microtex needle to piece and quilt this and I really loved how smooth it went!

 You can see on the back that it's baggy from the spray not sticking. I was so disappointed when finished, but in the end, it's soft, it's pretty and super comfy. So I just chalked up the polyester/basting spray combo as a lesson learned and I love it anyway :)

When I arrived in Phoenix my daughter had these huge scissors for me. I absolutely LOVE them! They have hooks on the back for hanging. The lady she bought them from said they were from Pottery Barn.

 While I was gone I did keep up on my Farm Girl Vintage sew along blocks. There's a button on my side bar for anyone that may be interested in participating. I'm determined to use as many scraps as possible. I'm amazed at what such small pieces can create! These are only 6 inch blocks. Sewing these tiny pieces is definitely new for me!

I should be home for awhile now and hope to have more to share soon!


  1. Love those big scissors! Your FGV blocks look great--I am also trying to use my scraps. They also make it have a lot more variety.

  2. Those Farm Girl blocks are gorgeous, Christine! Love your new little truck and great big scissors, too!

  3. Wow, only 6" blocks? Congratulations on keeping up with the block making while you were out visiting. The finished vintage sheet quilt looks super cuddly and soft.

  4. Your quilt looks so soft and cuddly. I have heard that it helps to spray both the fabric and the batting when using basting spray with polyester batting, but I have yet to try it. And your 6" blocks are so amazing. I probably would have chosen the bigger size.

  5. Your quilt looks so comfy! I think it is fabulous that you finished six blocks while you are out visiting family. I am leaving for Turkey tomorrow for a month and taking some EPP with me. I would call myself lucky if I finished at least one hexi block during my travel!!!

  6. Oh what great photo staging Chris! You are going to have a lot of fun with that little truck. Your sister's vintage sheet quilt turned out so sweet! And way to go on those Fam Girl blocks! Hope you are still making headway.

  7. Love the truck and you're right... it will make an adorable Christmas decoration! And I do love your vintage sheet quilt... so pretty! As Lara B above mentioned... your photos are great!

  8. I love the big scissors too!! The vintage sheet quilt is lovely and looks super cozy and soft. Did you buy vintage sheets for this project? I have seen others doing the Farm Girl Vintage quilt as well but, didn't realize how small the blocks were. It looks like a fun quilt to make and not boring with all the different blocks. It's super cute!!


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