
Posy 16 Patch

I had cut the squares for this quilt many moons ago from a big stack of layer cakes I'd bought on ebay.
The inspiration for this quilt came from Lauren at Charlotte's gRACE for a Cure 
She was totally ok with me copying her sweet quilt :)

I won't carry on and explain why these pictures are less than stellar. Just trust me when I say, the struggle was real. This fabric is also really tough to photograph! I ended up using my iphone camera. The last quilt I made with Posy was the same way. The shades want to show so much darker than they truly are. I'm going to try again when I go to town. I just really wanted to get this post up since it's been done quite a few days now!

It's simply twenty 16 patch blocks made up of 2.5 inch squares. Sashing is 2.5 inch strips of Bella white 98

For the back I had found my favorite print from the line at Stitch Sanctuary and they also had a print I used for the binding and filling in the backing. I used Aurifil 2435 to attach the binding and it matched perfectly.

It finished at 40.5 x 50.5 before washing. I managed to get one shot that shows the true colors, and of course it had to be the one of a quilt roll!

I love this sweet little quilt, it reminds me of Easter. I do miss that Aneela Hoey is no longer with Moda, boo!

Linking up to Let's Bee Social at Sew Fresh Quilts, Needle and Thread Thursday at My Quilt Infatuation, Fabric Frenzy Friday at Fort Worth Fabric Studio and Finish It Up Friday at Crazy Mom Quilts


  1. The photo of the quilt roll is very sweet. Good luck taking it out for more photos and have fun!

  2. Oh how sweet! When this line came out I was absolutely smitten with it.

  3. This really is the sweetest quilt! I love how you used the fabrics Chris! Did you do a lot of fussy cutting to get some of those blocks just right?

  4. This really is the sweetest quilt! I love how you used the fabrics Chris! Did you do a lot of fussy cutting to get some of those blocks just right?

  5. This quilt is just so darling! Love the quilting you chose and the dear little fabric!

  6. Love your quilt Christine! :) Thanks for sharing! We featured over on the FWFS blog!



  7. What a sweet finish. Your quilting gave it such great texture.

  8. Your quilt is perfect. I just love it. I have this same fabric, but I am unsure what to make with it.
    Hope you are have a great day.

  9. Your quilt is perfect. I just love it. I have this same fabric, but I am unsure what to make with it.
    Hope you are have a great day.

  10. A very sweet quilt Christine! How wonderful that you found your favorite print, for the backing.

  11. Simply adorable! What sweet fabrics and a great design for showing off those lovely prints. Of course, every time I see cross hatch quilting.... I kick myself again for not having tried it yet! Looks fabulous!

  12. Very lovely quilt!

  13. Your quilt is so cute, especially like the backing fabric.

  14. Very pretty quilt, and I love the backing too!

  15. this is such a sweet quilt. some little girl is going to fall in love.
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  16. The simple quilts are sometimes the nicest.

  17. A very sweet quilt. I am so drawn to little girl quilts with the birth of my niece. And this is simple and inspiring.

  18. Just lovely. Lots to look at in that quilt.

  19. Very nice scrappy 16 patch any little girl would love it.... happyness04431@yahoo.com

  20. What a lovely quilt! This will be an heirloom!

  21. What a beautiful quilt. Gives me some ideas on using my smaller pieces.

  22. Your quilt is darling. Thank you for sharing.

  23. Adorable little quilt. Love the simplicity of it - so very doable!

  24. Such a sweet quilt! It's so hard to get pics with the true colors - truly frustrating sometimes!!!

  25. what a beautiful quilt! I love the simplicity of the 16patch: seems so simple, but it is quite effective fro showing off the fun fabrics! :-) Love the backing you chose too: so fun for a little one to look at! Hugs, H in Healdsburg

  26. Oh, yes, it is a sweet quilt. I love how the backing has the same vibe as the front. And that strip of flowery fabric is just delightful. Isn't it amazing how quilts sometimes photograph differently than we see them?

  27. Wonderful quilt, so scrappy! The colors, though you had trouble capturing them, are so wonderful. I'm sure when you get back you'll find the trick of how to capture them accurately. That's happened to me before too. Funny how some colors just don't want to appear on camera!

  28. Sweet quilt, and I love the girl reading in several of the squares. Some colour combinations are very hard to get right in photographs, I find it particularly hard when some areas are white or nearly white; the colours against it come up all wrong...

  29. Your Quilt is Beautiful!! My Grangirlie would love it too...perfect young girl quilt for sure!! Love the fabric you used!!! :)

  30. Sweet colors and a really cute background. Your quilt turned out really lovely.


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