
Dreamin Vintage Baby Scrap Quilt

Hello friends, it's been awhile! Both of my computers have been on the fritz so I've put off posting things. I have zero patience when it comes to technology!

I finished up a scrap quilt quite a few weeks ago. I had some strips left from Dreamin Daisies that I decided to finally use up. This is one of my most favorite Art Gallery lines. The colors are so saturated and beautiful. I'm really sad that Jeni Baker decided to not design fabric anymore, a real bummer!!

I originally quilted on each side of all the rectangle seams but decided it wasn't enough. The green fabric on the bottom left was my inspiration for the extra lines I did.

In an effort to use what I had on this, I dug through my vintage sheets and found a Wamsutta that had the exact colors as Dreamin Vintage.

I had just enough strips left from the backing I cut to use as binding.

It finished at 38 x 46.5 inches.

One last less than stellar photo I had on my phone for awhile now.

In other news, be sure to stop by next Friday, June 3rd, as it is my stop on the Crafted Applique blog hop. I have two prizes to give away as well. Lara has some great things going on at her blog, it's worth going through all her posts to see sneak peaks of projects and some pretty awesome prizes!!

Have a safe Memorial Day weekend, thanks for visiting!
Linking up to Fabric Frenzy Friday at Fort Worth Fabric Studio, Needle & Thread Thursday at My Quilt Infatuation, Finish It Up Friday at Crazy Mom Quilts and Can I Get A Whoop Whoop at Confessions of a Fabric Addict


  1. This is a wonderful finish, Christine! I really like how you echoed the design in the print into the quilting. I am also itching to find some stairs so that I can re-create your last photograph, that is so fun. :)

  2. What a darling finish. I love how your quilting design evolved and was inspired by one of the fabrics.

  3. Very pretty quilt. I love the quilting.

  4. What a great baby quilt! I love this. Great way to show off some fun fabrics.

  5. This is a great use of this fabric line, I love it, so bright and cheery! The quilting looks great.

  6. What a cheery and lovely quilt Chris! That backing and binding fabric (sheet) is just perfect! Striped bindings are a favorite. The quilting design also looks wonderful on the back and it's so neat how you pulled it from the fabric.
    Thanks for the shout out - I'm very excited about your upcoming day in the hop my friend!

  7. Beautiful finish! I have always loved this fabric line and it looks great paired with a crisp white.


Feel free to leave your thoughts or questions! Thanks for stopping by!