
I'm Back & A Finish!

Hello friends! I hope everyone is having a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend.
I am planning to be back in business again with regular sewing and blogging. If you follow me, you will know life got pretty messy for me and my family. Between the loss of my brother, several family health problems and my own health issues, it was not a pleasant time. I had surgery number 2, and I'm doing much better now!
I feel like it's been forever since I had a quilt finish. I have finished up my quilt using Reunion by Sweetwater.

I've been collecting Sweetwater fabrics for quite awhile now and decided it was time to use some up.
I have been having a real fit with my camera lately (it's time for a new one, any suggestions??) and it's muddy and wet today so pictures didn't come out so great. The only one I was able to capture of the entire quilt ended up with a big brown line through the center UGH. So partial shots will just have to do.
I pulled the reds, blues and greens that I had from my Reunion collection for this quilt. I just love these colors. There is a simple tutorial at Quilting In The Rain I based mine off of. I did change my sizing a bit. I wanted this to end up 50 x 70, but as always, it came up about an inch short both directions. No matter how accurately I piece and cut, this always happens to me.
It's so nice to be sewing again! And this quilt is just a happy quilt :)
I quilted straight lines on both sides of each seam, then diagonal through each block. I always feel the need to stay close to my seams, to secure them better. It's a personal OCD thing. I can't wait to learn free motion, so I can just let the designs flow!
I used my last package of Warm n White on this one. Now I have that whole big roll I got for Christmas that I can't wait to use from this post. I love the softness and drape of it! I used Gutermann white cotton for piecing and quilting. I chose a red print from Reunion for the binding.

I had small strips left from cutting the blocks, so this is what I put into the back. Nothing fancy, but I didn't have to use anymore of my stash either :) I didn't get a good shot of the back either, sorry.
I think this quilt will be a gift, for a very special person, that really deserves it. She probably won't even care there are a few flaws in this one!
Hope you are all doing well and I hope you will find your way back to me after my absence! I will be back in a couple days to share some fun new storage finds I have acquired. Along with some fun new fabrics and a baby quilt I should be done with by Monday evening.
Here's a sneak peek!
Thanks for dropping by friends, see you soon!
Linking up to Sewjo Saturday at My Go-Go Life and Fabric Frenzy Friday at Fort Worth Fabric Studio. Also my first time linking up to Fabric Tuesday at Quilt Story!


  1. Awesome. I love Reunion. Great pics, even partial pics.

  2. Wow, as always your quilt came out perfect, and your pics looks great! It looks green there:) You always do such a great job quilting, basting and binding:) I've never measured my quilts to make sure they match up to the pattern--maybe I should start doing that! :) Again, beautifully done.

  3. If you don't tell your friend there are imperfections, she will never know. Also, isn't that what makes our handmade gifts special and full of love? They are not perfect and neither are we. :)
    I'm so glad that your family is in a better place right now. We have to live in the moment.

  4. There are no imperfections in something made with love!!!! Beautiful quilt :o) Thank you fro linking up to SEWjo Saturday!

    1. Thanks Kim, you are right! I'm back to randomly not getting email notifications, so I couldn't reply to you directly. Thanks for hosting!

  5. you have chosen a great design for this amazing fabric. It looks fantastic.

  6. Congrats on lovely finish! These fabrics are really great and your quilt show them nicely.

  7. Congrats on the finish! It is beautiful. I am so glad to hear you are feeling well enough to do more sewing. Looking forward to seeing more of you.

  8. It's beautiful, and you're right about it being a happy quilt. I'm sorry to hear about your brother. It sounds like you have had some rough times. Quilting is such good therapy. I'm glad you're feeling better.

    1. Another comment I didn't get notification for, so I'm replying here. Thanks so much for your kind words! I appreciate you stopping by :)

  9. Looks great!!!! I am glad that you are feeling better now. I look forward to seeing more quilts on your blog! Take care xxx

    1. Thank you Nurdan. It's always a pleasure to have you stop by! :)

  10. I love, love, love your Reunion quilt Christine! I completely missed that fabric line. I had about 2-3 years where I stopped sewing and following any sewing blogs etc. and always find it exciting when I see projects in fabric I don't know. :)
    Thanks for the comment on my blog. I lost the ability to reply to comments on there but know exactly how you feel about crowds. I had to take a break around 1:00 and step out for some peace and quiet for about an hour. I was glad to get back home!

    1. Ahh, thanks Staci! It's always so good to hear from you :) I'm glad you got to go, but sounds like you were ready to be home too! I am looking forward to the new goodies in your shop! Thanks for stopping by :)

  11. I love Sweetwater fabrics, and this is lovely, Christine! I use a Canon Rebel T1i and love it. I barely edit except for cropping and a little brightening if I'm shooting inside in low light.

  12. Glad to see you back! I'm hoping things continue to look up for you!

    Its a lovely finish you have here. :)

  13. It looks great! That flag fabric really stands out to me, it has been catching my attention even in the progress posts. I love seeing a back with a bit of interest, too! Great work.


Feel free to leave your thoughts or questions! Thanks for stopping by!