
Some New Storage Pieces

I have a few quick things to share with you all today. And yes, they are cell phone pictures for today, sorry!
Quite awhile back I was with my husband at the scrap yard and spotted some iron fence pieces. I immediately saw a quilt ladder in my mind. They had many layers of paint and gunk on them. My husband finally got them stripped down. He cut them up and re welded it back together to make it a usable size for me!
Now it needs cleaned with acetone and I have to choose a paint color. I just can't decide between white or black?? I will be using this for taking photos also, so what color would you choose?

I spotted this dresser at an antique store in town. I thought it would be great for my sewing room! It's all wood, so that's a plus. I have been wanting storage for my vintage feed sacks and fabrics.
I had originally planned to use this for a cutting area. It was just a bit short, depth wise, for my cutting mat. So I turned it into an ironing area instead. My tabletop ironing pad had become very dirty and stained, so while I was waiting for my husband to pick this up, I made a new cover.
I used a piece of fabric I had found on one of my SAS trips. It really doesn't match well, but I won't use it in any of my quilts, so I used it up. I made this ironing board when I first started sewing. I found this tutorial from Missouri Quilt Co. if anyone's interested.

The last find I have to share is a stainless steel shelf. My husband also found a bunch of these at the scrap yard, still in the box unassembled.
The guys said Walmart had throw them all out. They were display stands for coconut water! They are brand new and very sturdy. They even had the pieces of hard plastic to lay on the shelves so nothing falls through. I was so glad he got these. He paid like $4.00 a piece for them! I officially have more storage pieces than I can fit in my sewing room :)
Now I'm off to try and get some decent pictures of my whole cloth Art Gallery Littlest quilt finish. See you soon, have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Awesome finds! Many of your quilts are a lighter color. So I would paint it white. There would be less contrast which would allow your quilts to take center stage. But please remember what my dad always says, "Free advice is worth what you pay for it." ;o)

  2. Great finds! I want to make or find a quilt ladder as well. I think I would paint it black so if you are using it for photos, it will remain part of the background. Dark colors recede and light colors appear to move forward.

    1. Thanks Katy. You and Jasmine both have great views and now I'm more confused LOL. Thanks for the input, I do want it to be more of the background! Glad you stopped by :)

  3. Awesome! I LOVE the vintage chest of drawers!

  4. I love your new storage finds! And isn't your husband handy!! I'm voting for black for the ladder, but maybe you should ask your husband to make a second one, and you'd have one of each!

  5. What great finds! So lucky to get all that great stuff. The dresser is super cute:)

  6. Wow, what great pieces of furniture. I love the quilt ladder. Personally, I wouldn't paint it at all.


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