
More Vintage Sheets And Fabric

Well, I still don't have my Tule quilt done! I am working on it however.

We had to make another trip, this time to NE. Business matters to take care of. The good part was I got to see my Mom and family. She gave me a cedar chest that had belonged to my Dad's mother way back when. I never got to meet her, so I am excited and honored to have this family piece!

I visited the local "junk" store and found 3 garbage bags full of vintage sheets and pillowcases. This chest was the perfect place to store them. With what I already had, it filled it completely up!
Mom also gave me 2 more boxes of vintage fabrics. I haven't even sorted through the last 3 she gave me yet.
I just love these old fabrics. When I first started quilting I loved civil war and floral type fabrics. Then my attention turned to modern fabrics. Now I'm loving floral vintage stuff, mostly the sheets. They make such soft, comfy quilts! I've decided I just love most all fabric :)
Hopefully now I can stay home and get something actually sewn and finished.
Hope you all are having a great summer!!


  1. Lovely chest and lovely sheets too!

    I really love all things 50s/60s. Even a little bit from the 70s. I havent come across any textiles from that time that didn't set off my allergies like crazy. I'm going to keep looking or wait for the reproductions though. :)

  2. What a beautiful family heirloom, and the sheets are perfect to store in it!

  3. Your Tulle quilt is lovely. The bock is called an Album block! I made a quilt from that pattern which was in a Georgia Bonesteel which means having old fashioned templates. Do you have instructions that are more up to date? Your cedar chest is lovely with your vintage sheets.

    1. Hi Joanie. Sorry I missed this comment. I haven't been getting all my email notifications, ack! I hadn't ever seen this before so the only thing I have is my diagram that I made up. You can find it on the post before and after this one. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Wow, what a stash! And now you have a great place to keep it all. You'll never have to buy fabric again :)

  5. I love the vintage sheets too - I have run out of space to store them - and now find them hidden under/behind things forgotten about haha!

  6. What a lovely family treasure to have. I wish I had your luck with finding vintage fabric to put in it:-)

  7. Glad to see you are doing some quilting. I love the family chest full of the sheets. Beautiful collection.

  8. Your Tule quilt is coming along beautifully, and I love your chest and sheets:)!

  9. I love wooden chests! My grandma has one which has some very beautiful floral carvings all over it. I remember, when I was a kid, I always wanted to open and have a look inside but it was always locked :) So I used to imagine that there was a treasure inside LOL I LOVE vintage sheets too but hasn't had a chance to have a look at my local tip. My husband takes a detour when we have to drive past it because he knows I will beg to go inside and come out with lots of junk hehehee :)
    I look forward to seeing the finished version of the quilt in the photo! Take care xxx

  10. I really love this quilt! I'm only just starting quilting so I'm comfortable with patterns that use squares. I'm not ready for the harder piecing just yet. Lol. I'm working on my first HST sampler and its driving me nuts. I may need to set it aside for later. This is only my 3rd quilt but I see many more to come!!


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