
A Special Ambleside Finish

These blocks have been on my design wall for a REALLY long time! I had the rows sewn but not joined. I loved this quilt...then after sewing the blocks, I was over it...now I love it again!!

Along with being a wonderful friend and mentor for my girls, their boss was there for my family when we went through losing my brother. Having been an ER nurse for many, many years she became our voice when we were too grief stricken or tired to think straight or ask the right questions. The one night I decided to go try and finally sleep, she warned my girls that she didn't think he'd make it through the night. Because of her, I was able to spend the last hours at his side, right where I needed to be. I owe her everything for giving me that moment in time that I was so afraid I would miss. I have wanted to make her a quilt for the last year and a half. I decided this was the one. My daughter Ashley came to visit a few weeks ago and I asked if she'd like to give this to her. She responded that she was going to ask me to help her with a quilt for Patty. So it just kind of worked out perfectly.

Ashley has never made a quilt before and learned on this one! She ironed all the block joins open, joined all the rows, and quilted the whole thing herself :) She was disappointed that some of her lines are a bit wonky but I assured her, we all have been there and this was her first try. I think she did a fantastic job! I did sew the binding on for her. That's my favorite part.

For the back, we picked a vintage sheet from my cedar chest for the added cozy factor. It's a bit hard to see in the photo but it has little pink and blue flower buds on it, so pretty!

I showed her how to use Lara's Crafted Applique method to make a label. It worked so good for the writing part. The fabric didn't pull at all when I tried to write, I loved it! We originally had plans for a pretty and fancy label but forgot to add it on. We ended up just doing a block of white so the stitching didn't show too much on the front (I'm not a hand stitcher yet!)

The last, and my favorite picture is Ashley with her first quilt :)

The pattern is Sparkling Gemstones by Pam & Nicky Lintott. I didn't add a border. It finished at 54 x 75 I believe. I used the jelly roll Ambleside by Brenda Riddle for Moda and a Kona white skinny strips roll. I won the white roll a couple years ago and when I saw this pattern, it was the perfect use for it. For the binding I used a half yard of blue Shabby Chic fabric I've had laying around quite awhile too. I love this quilt so much! We are waiting for it to come out of the dryer so we can package it up :)

Linking up to Fabric Frenzy Friday at Fort Worth Fabric Studio and Can I Get A Whoop Whoop! at Confessions of a Fabric Addict


  1. It's a beautiful quilt to give someone who was able to help you during such an awful time. I am sure she will love it.

  2. Giving a quilt to someone who was there in a great time of need is truly a gift from the heart, Christine. Ambleside was a perfect choice for this pattern. I've found that sewing for others really helps in the grieving process...as I hope it helped you too. Bless you!

  3. What a fantastic and beautiful way to thank someone. I also really love that you got to spend such great quality time with your daughter; her first quilt turned out beautifully!

  4. What a beautiful joint project. Such a sweet way to thank someone who was there for you.

  5. Patty sounds like the most beautiful of people Chris. The story you shared about how she helped you when your brother was dying is so touching. It is very fitting that this was Ashley's first quilt and that it turned out so lovely! The Ambleside fabrics and your soft vintage sheet made a wonderful quilt.

  6. I also think that she did a fantastic job. This quilt is gorgeous! I love the color scheme and how fresh it looks. And the label is the perfect finishing touch.

  7. Isn't it humbling when all the quilty things fall into place perfectly? This is so pretty, and seems just right, for you, your daughter and your friend :)

  8. Love this quilt! The colors and the pattern are perfect together.


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