
UFO Finish

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a fun and productive holiday weekend :)
I've been gone for most of the summer dealing with Dr.things still. I got to come home for a few days finally. I decided to finish up something that would be quick, since I only had a few days again.

The top had been done for a year or more?? I found a scrap batting and and quilted it up simply. I decided to hang it up in my Sweetwater corner.

These are quick and lousy pictures but again, not much time to play with. I wasn't going for my usual OCD perfection in any part of this project. I was going for a UFO finish and it feels great to have something that is DONE!

Awhile ago I got some photos from a shop in Ohio that had purchased my Daysail/American Honey quilt. It was exciting to see it hanging in the display window! :) Mine is the middle star quilt.

Ok, off I go again. I keep reminding myself one of these days this will all be over and I can finally just sew!
Until next time, take care friends!


  1. Great finish on the UFO! Your quilt looks awesome displayed in the window. Welcome back to sewing.

  2. The finish is lovely; I'm glad you had something you could work on in the time you had. And how exciting to see your quilt in the shop window that purchased it. I hope that the Dr. things bring you much good health. xxx

  3. Congratulations on your UFO finish. I enjoyed the pictures of it and seeing your quilt on display at the store. Take care!

  4. That was a great idea to finish up a UFO in the time you had Chris. It looks very sweet in the Sweetwater corner, LOL. I love house quilts.
    It is so cool to see your quilt again in the shop window! The display is awesome!

  5. Congrats on finishing! Beautiful job.


    1. Thanks so much!
      In case you're unaware, you are a no reply blogger. I gave you a visit though :)


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