
Backyard Baby #2, Tumbler

My camera died while I was trying to get pictures, it was cold and very windy. I only ended up with three photos...that are less than desirable.
Tumblers are so easy to do, I just love them! This quilt is adorable in person. I purchased my tumbler ruler at Missouri Star Quilt Co when I first started quilting. It was one of their daily deals if I remember correctly. I used yardage for this quilt but the tumbler ruler along with charm packs makes this really fast to make!
I had just enough of the Windy Day print left for the backing. I quilted it vertically along each side of the seams and then horizontally in an Ice Blue cotton thread. I like how it frames each tumbler.
 This quilt measures 35 x 40. It is sold and will be shipped out today.

I was surprised at the amount of people that hadn't seen this fabric line so I'm including it again. It is Backyard Baby by Patty Sloniger (I think that's spelled correctly) for Michael Miller Fabrics. I did a quick search and that link will take you to a few of the prints. I'm sure the rest can be found on the website. It is getting a little harder to find but there are a few places I found here, here, and here. I'm sure if you do a google search many more shops will come up as well.

I am sure other people have already thought of this idea but I've decided to keep one square of fabric from each quilt I make in 2014. At the end of the year I will put them all into one quilt and label the back as "All My Quilts In One, 2014". It may be a mis-matched hot mess lol, but it will be great to have for myself :)
I'm updating this post with an idea that came to me. A few have liked the idea of saving a square from each quilt and putting them into one quilt at the end of the year. I got to thinking it would be fun if you would do the same and join me! I would like to do a link up sometime after the 1st of the year so we can all share our masterpieces :) Just a quilt we can sew together without any planning, thinking or deciding on anything. Yes, they may be crazy looking, but for me it will a collage of my years work. You could make yours up with some kind of order, or do like I will be, and just sew all your squares together. I just think it would be fun to see what everyone ends up with! I hope you will join me! I have a little storage container I am using to put mine in. I also am hanging a note above my cutting board so I don't forget to add a square each time :)
Thanks for stopping by!

Linking up with Needle and Thread Thursday at My Quilt Infatuation
TGIFF at Quilty Habit
and Finish It Up Friday at Crazy Mom Quilts 


  1. This quilt is so cute! Love the tumblers for this fabric! I loved the aspen/birch tree print so much I bought some and have used it to cover a corkboard in my sewing room. But I love all the other prints too, especially after seeing them used in such a great quilt!

  2. Your quilt is really cute! Great fabric and it all looks so pretty together.
    Also - I love your idea about saving a piece of fabric from each quilt for the year! That could be a ton of fun. I think I'll do the same. It will either look really fun or like a loonie put it together. Either way it will be a hoot!

    1. Thanks Linda! I think it will be fun to save the blocks also! I'm going to plan a link up when the year is over and would love for you to share what you come up with! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Again with your perfect basting!!!! And do you hand-sew your binding?

  4. This is darling. I love having reminders of quilts I sold or gave away. I think as long as you have something to tie it together/tone it down (like a solid sashing) it will look great!

  5. I really want to do a tumbler at some point - I just don't want to cut them all out! Did you rotary cut them or use a die cutter?
    I also love the idea of saving a block from everything and putting a quilt together with it - very smart! It will be like a year in review!

    1. Yes, I used a rotary cutter. It's not bad at all! Just cut a 5" strip and keep turning your tumbler template/ruler, it goes pretty fast. I'm thinking I will do a "year in review" link up, it will be fun to see what others come up with, even if they aren't so attractive. I would love you to join in if you end up doing this! Thanks for stopping by :)

  6. The fabric on the back perfectly matches your windy day! :)

    It's a great finish, congratulations!

  7. I'm doing something similar but it's keeping triangle cut-offs from trimming joined binding to make a baby quilt for my grandchildren (in the very distant future!). Your tumbler quilt is gorgeous, I love the soft colours you used.

  8. The 2014 quilt is a good idea. And I love this fabric - I had never seen it either which is odd because I really like Michael Miller fabrics and sometimes I feel like I spend all day looking at fabric. I don't have a tumbler ruler and I've been wanting to get one because I think the pattern looks so cool. I didn't realize that they worked perfectly with charm packs - you mean the 5" ones right?
    I love buying charms and mini charms and this would give me a great pattern for the charms.

  9. this is SO pretty. I love the backing fabric and the colors are so soothing.

    Thank you so much for sharing at Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  10. what great fabrics for a wonderful quilt. the shot of the quilt blowing in the wind just shows how soft and cozy that quilt is!

  11. I haven't done tumblers yet and you've inspired me to add it to the list! I like your idea of the year-end quilt, too!

  12. Ohhhh love the tumbler quilt. The backing print is lovely. Great idea about the quilt with all your finishes. Would be a small quilt for me, though...

  13. That is pretty. I like the back side as well.

  14. I love that fabric line. I used some of it when I made my son's quilt a year or so ago. I'm glad to see some of it is still available--if I hurry. The quilt looks great! I've seen several tumbler quilts lately that I really love, just a bit of a change for the standard square patchwork.

  15. This is such a wonderful fabric line isn't it?! I made a quilt with it recently as well and it was a pleasure. Terrific tumblers!

  16. How cute! I love the tumblers and the quilting look perect.

  17. Love your quilt! Beautiful choice of fabrics and pattern!

  18. I love a tumbler! I want to make another. This looks great:)

  19. Thank you for coming and having a look at my quilt earlier and this quilt is so lovely. I've very recently used some of those fabrics in an insect themed quilt but I hadn't seen the windy day one and I love that one, not sure how I'd missed it! Great idea for the 2014 collage quilt too. .


Feel free to leave your thoughts or questions! Thanks for stopping by!