
Backyard Baby Finished

I didn't have a quilt holder for the last couple days and it's super windy here. My yard is literally filled with tumbleweeds, I've never seen anything like it. They are piled feet high everywhere and along the roadways, so without driving to town, pictures are impossible right now! I took a few in my sewing room. The lighting and colors are lousy but I need to get this packaged and mailed.
I hate it when the diagonal quilting doesn't show up in both directions on some photos. It's there, you just can't see it. I guess it showed up good on the first picture, that's what it really looks like :)
I didn't have quite enough of the windy day print so I added some ant maze to the bottom.
For anyone who may not know, the fabric is Backyard Baby by Patty Sloniger for Michael Miller. I bought pieces here and there as I seen them, so I can't link to a shop because I don't remember them all for certain.
It finished at 35 x 43. I first saw a quilt very much like this one on Etsy, so it is not my idea. I've had a few people suggesting tutorials. I would love to do one for this quilt. It doesn't use a lot of print fabrics and is pretty fast to put together. Even though mine is shaped different and layed out a tad bit different, it still wasn't my idea and I don't feel right doing a tutorial for this one. I just drew up my own pattern to end up the size I was needing. It is sold and will be off to it's new home tomorrow.

I had a lot of this fabric left and had a request for another boy quilt so I started on a tumbler. I love tumbler quilts for children!
Ignore that crease mark line thing in the top of the photo. Not sure why my camera keeps doing that!
I have all my rows sewn and a few joined so this should be done fairly quickly. I will use the dots for binding and I have another piece of windy day print to use on this for backing again. Not sure how I ended up with so much more of this line than I thought. I have enough left to do one more still I think!
Thanks for stopping by :)

Linking up to Needle And Thread Thursday
And Finish It Up Friday at Crazy Mom Quilts  


  1. This is so pretty. I love the colours and the layout of the blocks.

  2. What beautiful fabric, those trees are just gorgeous!

  3. Such a lovely baby quilt :) I haven't seen that fabric before ...

  4. You did such a good job putting this together. I am sure it will be much loved. The fabric looks darling as a tumbler, too. You are making me want to try a tumbler quilt sometime. ;)

  5. I just love your backyard baby it is awesome

  6. Hi there! I love this line of fabric. I really want some with the tree trunks on it:) Great finish, the borders and binding really look great! The tumbler is one of my faves too.

  7. Great job Christine. I don't know how you make your quilts look so neat and flat. I usually have to do heavier quilting just so you can't see it wasn't basted flat enough. Great job:)

  8. this is such a pretty quilt. The colors are so soothing. I'm sure it will be loved!

    Thanks so much for partying at Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  9. One of my favorite fabric lines! Beautiful quilt--the pattern is great! The tumbler is darling!

  10. The quilt looks great, simple but lots of things for a baby to find (leaves, insects). I'm glad you didn't have enough of the windy day print, the ant maze at the bottom looks great I think!

  11. What great use of the fabric, so much of interest to look at - well done!

  12. Just love this fabric so much and how the pattern you chose showcases the happiness of it. I wonder if it's all sold out and if I can find any of it.

  13. Absolutely lovely fabric, the grey inside border really adds a wonderful frame. That windy day print is going on my list!!!

  14. Beautiful quilts! I love that fabric and hadn't seen it before. I may need to add a tumbler quilt to my list of quilts to make because I like the look of it. The lines are interesting and you can see a good part of the fabric pattern. :)

    1. Thanks Staci! I'm surprised how many people hadn't seen this fabric line. Thinking perhaps I spend too much time online :) Tumblers are fast and easy, I love them! Thanks for stopping by!

  15. Darling quilt! I purchased the green fabric that has all the different bugs in the jars for a quilt I made for a very special little boy! I hadn't realized that there were other fabrics in the same line. It is so sweet! Great job on the quilt!

  16. Yay for a backyard baby quilt! I loved Patty Sloninger's fabric line from the time she participated in that Spoonflower contest. I bought several prints and have used only a few squares for two boy-ish quilts. Your beautiful quilt made me want to go back to that line and use every little bit that's in my stash. Thanks for sharing!!!


Feel free to leave your thoughts or questions! Thanks for stopping by!