
Two WIP's, Backyard Baby And Nordika (Again...)

Hi all! I hope you aren't getting too tired of seeing my Nordika posts. The next time you will see it is when it's complete. I promise! I did manage to get half of the quilting done.
 I didn't have anyone here to hold it up for me so I couldn't get a shot of the whole half, but you get the idea. This is the most dense quilting I have done on any quilt so please don't look too closely at my lines and spacing! Part of the problem is the little bar that goes on my walking foot will not stay in there tight. The other part was just lack of experience in quilting this many lines while turning. I typically use painters tape but that was a bit tough to do with all the turning, so I'm just going to finish it up and be happy it's done. I did put a couple glue dots from my scrapbooking stuff on the back of the foot where the bar sits in the middle, and it helped a bunch to keep it in place.

I almost have the Backyard Baby top done. I just have to add the final white borders on the outside edges. That will soften up the sharp edge of the gray as well. I will bind it in the snakeskin green print.
I first saw this quilt design on Etsy, so I can't claim it. I have no idea what sizes she used so I just drafted up my own. This one is sold so I'm hoping to finish it up today or tomorrow.
Have a great rest of the week and thanks for stopping!

Linking up to My Quilt Infatuation for Needle And Thread Thursday


  1. Christine, I think your quilting looks great! No one will look at it as closely as you do... And that baby quilt is super cute.

  2. Lovely work! Straight lines are hard, I bet it the trouble spots arent as noticeable as you think - I didnt see them!

  3. I love the Backyard Baby quilt! You should write a tutorial or do a pattern for it! Your Nordika quilt is awesome too. I've got some in my stash, but haven't figured out what to do with it.
    Julie @ The Crafty Quilter

  4. Love your quilts! Super cute! The quilting looks wonderful.

  5. You know that little quilting bar wouldn't stay still for me when I used it either! But, fortunately, no one else ever sees the mistakes. Your quilting looks great!

    p.s. thanks for your kind comment on my "just thinking" post.

  6. your quilting looks amazing and I can't wait to see the final reveal. love the baby quilt too!

    Thanks so much for sharing at Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  7. I covet your fabric. It all looks so nice together. I don't know which quilt I like better. Good job on drafting your own pattern. I've been quilting for years, and I can't do that. I'm a new follower. Looking forward to seeing your stuff. Happy Quilting.

  8. Both quilts are wonderful but your Backyard baby one is my favorite! Love the colors in it! WIPs are one of my favorite posts to read... I like seeing the process of a quilt just as much as the final product. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Karisma! Thanks so much! The Backyard Baby in person is such a wonderful fabric line. When I received it in the mail it was so much cuter even than it looks online. Thanks for the comment, it's nice knowing what people enjoy reading about and I'm kind of bad about posting progress and just waiting until it's done. I will keep that in mind! Glad you stopped and I love your Posy quilt, it's adorable :)


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